
about us
Leigh and Sooz have decided to hit the road!
Leigh has retired from the job he held for 18 years.
Sooz has taken what she is calling an "unofficial sabbattical" - she left her full time job, but will be employed again down the road.
We purchased a new car ("Eric" the Isuzu MUX) and a second-hand caravan ("Frieda" the Lotus Freelander); put 95% of our belongings into storage and have hit the road to do The Great Rotation around this amazing country of ours.
We have lived in Sydney for the greater part of the last 40 years - Leigh being from Melbourne and Sooz from Chicago, We have been lucky enough to have lived in other cities as well - both in Australia and the USA. However, this is by far our biggest adventure. A year on the road.